About Us - the Tarnhelm's Captain & 1st Mate
The Tarnhem, a 1992 Carver 33 Tri-Cabin Yacht, is owned by Karen and Phil Little. Every summer it cruises the Hudson River, Lake Champlaign, the Erie Canal, and rivers in Canada.
Capt. Phil Little is a retired mechanical engineer who spent many years working on hydraulic drives and components in the marine industry.
Personally, he started repairing engines when he was in elementary school and was the chief mechanic on his father's boat, the Argosy.
Capt. Phil and his 1st Mate Karen Little purchased the Tarnhelm in 2021, a Carver 33 Tri-Cabin Yacht that was in pretty darn'd good shape, except for the things that needed repair.

After making her almost perfect, Phil and Karen set off on their first 3 month cruise from Stony Point on the Hudson River to Rouses Point on Lake Champlain and back.
Their new blog documents their travels starting in spring 2023 as they get her ready to hit the waves on their anticipated 4 month cruise on the Hudson River, through Lake Champlain, and into Canada.
1st Mate Karen Little is a retired writer, programmer, trainer AND artist who is very skilled at relaxing on cruises and drawing. She also cooks.
Since retiring, Karen's work can be seen here on this blog, and on Sketch-Views.com and Littleviews.com. For more detailed background information, see Sketch-Views.com/about-sketchviews.