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Shading the Sun on the Tarnhelm's Back Deck

It is wonderful to sit on a boat's deck during sunny, summer days, except when the sun directs its hotest rays directly on you.


In our 2022 cruise, we spent part of those sunny days in our cabin to save ourselves from getting burnt. This year, we sourced shades from Amazon, with Captain Phil installing them.


The main shade is securely mounted to the deck's roof, using a crank to raise and lower it.


On the sides of the deck, we are now using a single, adjustable shade. Because the sun constantly shifts, we can reposition it on either side of the deck, as needed.

Back deck shade on a Carver 33 Tri-Cabin Yacht
Back deck shade on a Carver 33 Tri-Cabin Yacht
Movable sun shade on the back deck on a Carver 33 Tri-Cabin Yacht

* * * * * *

May the tides be with you! 

First Mate Karen Little

June 18, 2023



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